The following is a transcript of a channeling in which Joshiah explains unique terms used during the channelings.
Joshiah: Now, we understand you have concerns regarding some of the terms we use during our exchanges with you. Those terms we use exist within the understanding and vocabulary that you and our friend, the channel, operate within. At times, those phrases are not the truest form or indication of the message we choose to transmit, but they are the expressions that exist within your vocabulary. Indeed, the information we transfer at what we have referred to as the silent level is far more accurate, as it transcends the need to have a vocabulary. It is based upon emotions, feelings, and understandings. Nonetheless, for us to express verbally, we are limited, as are you, by the terms within your vocabularies.
Now, we often refer to different “vibrational levels.” Each reality that exists throughout all of creation exists within, for lack of a better term, a certain vibrational level. Energy is required to maintain a reality, and that energy fluctuates at a vibration. Now again, we use this term simply because a vibration is a concept which is understandable within your vocabulary.
We can refer to a vibration as being similar to the vibrations that transfer messages across your earth in the forms of wavelengths, of what you refer to as radio frequencies. Those are similar to the various vibrational levels that exist throughout all of creation. Similarly, as your radio frequencies can exist within the same space, so all of the vibrational levels throughout creation can exist within the same space, as it were. They are separated from each other by a slight alteration in the vibration. By altering the vibration one level, it appears to be completely separate from and discernible from other vibrations.
Simply put, it is very similar to your radio frequencies, in which, as you tune into those particular frequencies with your receiving equipment, you can discern and separate them one from another. You can tune into one particular radio frequency for the purposes of receiving and understanding that transmission, while eliminating and ignoring all of the other radio frequencies that exist simultaneously within the same space at the same time.
Similarly, you choose to tune into this particular frequency, which allows you to experience this reality, while ignoring all of the other frequencies, all of the other realities that exist around you. Indeed some of these frequencies not only exist around you, but you are also participating in them in what you would refer to as other time frames or lifetimes. Yet from this particular conscious state you are tuned into the one frequency or vibration and do not have an understanding or a concept of the other realities that exist simultaneously in the same space at the same time. There is a multitude of realities existing within the same space, and yet each is separate one from the other, and we refer to these realities as vibrational levels.
We also use the term “veil” during the process of channeling. Depending upon the context of the information, the term “veil” can have different meanings. It can refer to different sets of circumstances.
You see there exists throughout your universe a veil that you, as a collective human consciousness, have chosen to establish. It is similar to an electromagnetic type of energy that exists within each and every cell, within each and every atom and molecule throughout your entire universe. That veil is a magnetic type of energy field that you have established for the purposes of allowing you to create this reality without outside interference and indeed it effectively hides you from entities outside of your vibrational level. We would suggest this collective consciousness veil is very difficult for you to alter.
There also exists what we refer to as the personal veil. While we refer to it simply as the veil, we use it in the context of referring to personal occurrences and creations within the reality you exist in. The personal veil is one which you choose to establish to effectively hide from the understanding of who you are and what you are. You maintain and establish that veil to varying degrees, depending upon your personal and individual choices.
For some that veil is very thick, very strong, as they choose to restrict their understanding of who they are. They choose to restrict the spirituality from entering into and influencing their understanding of who they are as a Piece of the One. There are others who choose to thin that veil, who attempt to bring into this consciousness reality the understanding of who they are and what they are. It is much easier for you to alter this personal veil than it is to alter the collective veil.
As you allow for this particular type of interaction [channeling] with entities who exist outside of your vibrational level, you succeed in thinning, to an extent, both the collective human consciousness veil and your personal veil. So when we ask you to thin the veil to allow for our interaction, we are referring to thinning both veils.
(From the August 4, 2002 transcript.)
Joshiah: Now, once again, your vocabulary can be very limiting at times. Indeed it is open to various interpretations that many times are quite different from individual to individual. It can have different meanings, based upon one’s understanding and interpretation of your vocabulary, of your language. And many times we have used various words in different ways in order to relay what intended meaning of that particular word within your vocabulary is. We use the word “dis-ease,” for example. And we put an emphasis on the “dis-ease,” as opposed to the way many of the entities existing within your vibrational level in this incarnational period would interpret that word as, “It is a disease.”
You see, to suggest that it is a “disease” is to suggest that it is some type of an illness, some type of a sickness, that is somehow being perpetuated from elements and forces outside of your physical being. But when we suggest that it is a dis-ease, then the emphasis comes upon the importance of understanding that the illness or the sickness many times is caused by discomfort or dis-ease within the physical body. It is a reflection of beliefs. It is a reflection of attitudes. It is a dis-ease. It is a state of being uncomfortable, so to speak, which is reflected through physical illness.
So it is a dis-ease which is first of all formed or given birth within your belief systems, within your attitudes, within your choices and decisions, absolutely. And that dis-ease reflects itself in physical discomforts, which you would refer to as illnesses. So many times the word disease is used to reflect an illness, and in its original conception it was an understanding that there was a dis-ease within the mental capacity of an individual that was reflected in a physical ailment. To understand that it is a dis-ease and if you deal with the discomfort, then many times you remove the illness or the ailment or the sickness.
You see, what you experience within your physical reality is a reflection of your belief systems and of your choices and decisions and your attitudes. Absolutely you believe it, and as you believe it you create the reality to support the belief. And when you perpetuate beliefs in a discomfort or a dis-ease, then you create the reality to support it, resulting in that illness or that sickness. And it can be varying, and indeed you can even have all types of scientific proof to support that that ailment is present, absolutely. But nonetheless it is as a result of that dis-ease.
Now, as we exchange information with you through the channel, we are indeed limited by your vocabulary. We suggest that we also exchange information with you at the silent level, what we term the “silent message.” We have a silent communication that occurs throughout the channelings, should you express the intent. Indeed the possibility for this exchange of information on the silent level exists at any time that you choose to express the intent to allow for that interaction.
We exchange that information on the silent level through an interaction with your Higher Self, and it occurs telepathically. Now, each of you has within you the capacity to communicate telepathically. At times you exchange information on particular concepts and ideas at the telepathic level. And so it should come as no surprise that you have the capacity to interact and to exchange telepathically with entities existing at other vibrational levels.
Through the exchange of information on the silent level you get a much more accurate transference of the thoughts and the feelings without the limitations of a vocabulary. We also suggest the transference of information on the silent level is a two-way communication in which you indeed transfer to us thoughts and feelings as we exchange and transfer to you our thoughts and feelings. Any time you choose to express the intent we would be honored to interact with you on the silent level.
We would like to express to you our gratitude for the opportunity you present for us to interact and to exchange with you. It is for us a very enjoyable and indeed a very profitable interaction. Now, once again we suggest there is no space. The vibrational level we exist in is indeed within the same space as the vibrational level you exist in. Should you choose to have us exchange with you, you have but to express the intent.
It’s come to my attention that I’m getting old! While I still channel Joshiah on a regular basis, and so far the channeling experience doesn’t seem to be effected by my advanced age, I do understand and accept that it will not always be this way. Some day I will be affected by my advanced age to the extent that I will no longer able to make that connection with the entity who has become a dear friend in this lifetime and, according to Joshiah, in many other lifetimes, or I die - one or the other. Lol So I’d like like to say a few words about this fantastic experience and express my thanks and gratitude to those that have made it all possible.
My connection to Joshiah in this lifetime began in the summer of 2000. I was hosting weekly meditations in my home at that time. They were guided meditations, with no specific intent other than to experience the energy and benefits that are inherent when one is involved in a group meditation. Although the offer was frequently made to have someone else lead the meditation, volunteers were scarce and I usually inherited the role.
It was during some of those meditations that I would catch myself making statements that didn’t seem to come from my thought process. It was like being in a daydream and suddenly realizing you weren’t aware of what’s happening around you, even though you appear to be wide awake. My first reaction was to get back on track with the meditation and stop expressing those thoughts, which not only seemed foreign to me, but in some cases I didn’t agree with. When the meditations ended some of the participants would say that the message was just getting good, but then I would stop.
One afternoon only four people, including myself, showed up for the meditation. We had a discussion and all agreed if the source of that strange information wished to participate in our meditation then I would do my best to accommodate them. That was when the first channeling occurred. There is no recording of that first time, nor for that matter for the first several channelings.
The delivery of the message during those first channelings was very slow - not because the information was coming through any slower than it does now, but rather because I was aware of what was being said and I was filtering out, or at least hesitating in giving some of the information which I thought was not only “far out” there, but which I also didn’t believe in. It would be a while before I felt comfortable enough to allow myself to go into a deeper meditative state and become more emerged in the subconscious experience. I eventually discovered that the subconscious experience was away more exciting and beneficial than the verbal message Joshiah was giving, and I learned to get entirely out of the way to the point where I was no longer aware of the message Joshiah was delivering.
Despite my scepticism and resistance to Joshiah in the beginning, we continued with the channelings and decided it might be a good idea to record them. Technology was not what it is today, and it would be several years before we had access to digital recording. Our early recordings involved cassette tapes, and although our first attempts were not very successful, they did succeed in making me reconsider that perhaps this experience was more than just my subconscious mind expressing ideas that I had either read about or been introduced to somewhere in my past.
We first tried recording with the cassette recorder sitting in front of me while I channeled. When we rewound the tapes and listed to the recording there was no recorded voice - only a fluctuating humming sound. After a couple of attempts gave us the same results, we decided to ask Joshiah if there was a solution. Joshiah told us the energy in the room was affecting the cassette tapes and suggested we put the recorder in a different room and use a microphone. That worked, although not without some exceptions.
Cassette tapes are designed to record on both sides of the tape, however that was not possible when used to record a channeling. Although the audio was recorded on one side of the tape, the other side would not record and had that same humming sound that we had experienced when the recorder was in the same room as the channeling.
There were also times when there were blank spaces on the tapes. When we asked Joshiah what was causing that problem they informed us that part of the message was for the people present at the time of the channeling and not for the general public. Even more strange were times when the cassette tapes, which are designed for a 45 minute recording, had up to an hours’ channeling on them. It was impossible to understand what was recorded on those tapes without the use of a dictaphone which allowed one to slow down the recording to a speed where the voice could be understood. Another strange incident is when there were two voices on the recording - one being the message Joshiah was delivering verbally and the other the voice I was hearing in my subconscious mind. When those things happened it was hard to believe that there wasn’t something strange going on during the channelings, but I still questioned the validity of Joshiah’s message. To get an idea of my scepticism regarding strange phenomena, I once sat in a teepee with a lady shaman who told me something that she shouldn’t have known about me and when I shut off her access to my mind she smiled at me and said; “From now on I’m gonna call you the no bullshit guy!”
Over the years there have been, and continue to be, some rather exceptional experiences that happen during the channelings. While not as frequent as they were when we were using the cassette tapes for recording, we still have times when some of the message is not recorded. It’s also common for people to have their questions answered without ever verbally asking them. I’ve been channeling Joshiah for so long that these experiences no longer surprise me and I must admit at times I’m guilty of taking them for granted.
While Joshiah has definitely had an effect on my life, his message has also effected the lives of other people from all over the world. I have received emails from people living in Korea, Europe, the UK, South Africa, USA, Australia, etc. expressing gratitude for making Joshiah’s message available. Some of the people who have written to me have shared stories of being desperate, even to the point of contemplating suicide, and their discovery of Joshiah’s message has changed their lives.
I think it’s important to understand there are many sources of information available to people that can help lift them out of states of depression, or give them that inspiration they need to change the direction of their lives resulting in what they would consider being in a much better place. When one discovers a source of information that helps them realize the importance of self love, a positive attitude, that completely changes the direction of their life from despair to success, it’s really not important what the message is, or who delivers it.
For some people, that source of information has been Joshiah. For that reason I have done my best to make Joshiah’s massage available free of charge. I know there have been instances where people sitting in Internet cafes, browsing the search engines have seemingly accidentally discovered and that discovery has changed their lives. There have been times when I have thought about ending the open channelings and freeing myself from the commitment of being available for at least one Sunday of every month. Each time I’ve entertained those thoughts, almost invariable I’ve received an email from someone from somewhere around the world telling me that Joshiah’s message has changed their lives and thanking me for making that information available.
From the beginning there have been people who have volunteered literally hours and hours of their time to produce a formate that has made Joshiah’s message available to the world. Many of those people are very dear friends of mine, some who have been with me form the very first channeling, others I’ve met along the way on this amazing journey. There are also some whom I’ve never met, some whom I don’t even know their names who have volunteered their time to transcribe the audio recordings so the message may be uploaded on the web site in the written form. There are those who have helped me prepare my home to receive guests for the open channelings and others who have developed and continue to monitor and maintain the website. The following statement is not nearly adequate, but to each and every one of you, I am eternally grateful. Without your help and dedication none of this would have been possible.
I have often said that I have no agenda, and in a sense that’s true. Although I hope that you find something in Joshiah’s message that helps you in some way or another, I have no intention of attempting to convince you to believe in anything they say, nor do I intend to defend anything they say. However; as I suggested at the beginning, it’s obvious that at some point my participation in delivering Joshiah’s message will come to an end. I guess if I had an agenda it would be to have some type of funding in place that would finance the continuation of the website and make the book, “Conscious Creation”, available to those who may be interested. As I’ve previously stated, there are people who have benefited from Joshiah’s message to the extent that it has changed their lives, and I believe some of those people would not have had access to that information had they been required to pay a fee. Consequently I would suggest that part of my agenda would be to continue making access to the information available free of charge, and that any funding to assist in the the production costs would be in the form of donations. If you have enjoyed your interaction with Joshiah and would like to assist us in funding the production costs, any donation you could provide would be deeply appreciated.
Once again, a huge thank you to everyone who has assisted me on this incredible journey. I am eternally in your debt!
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